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Soak Sink Goa

Soak Sink

VSG Equipment India is a pre-eminent name and leading Manufacturers and Suppliers of Washing Equipment since 2010. Since then we have grown multi-fold and grabbed many prestigious soak sink in India from diverse sectors or industries like Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe, Industrial Kitchen, Temple, Educational Institution, Hospital Canteen, etc. Soak Sink is entirely made of stainless watertight construction with a ball valve fitted to the waste Soak Sink, portable, 34" working height, sink outlet fitted with quick-release drain, 22" x 22" x 12" deep fabricated sink compartment, stainless steel construction, casters and accommodates dishwasher baskets in India.

If you’re looking for a quality soak sink our range of stylish basins and transform your soak sink today. Create your existing interior design a new look and feel for Stainless Steel Fabricated Silver Soak Sink with Dishwasher Basket in India.

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