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Ice Cream Freezer Jodhpur

Ice Cream Freezer

VSG Equipment India is a pre-eminent name and leading Manufacturers and Suppliers of Refrigeration Equipment since 2010. Since then we have grown multi-fold and grabbed many prestigious Ice cream freezer from diverse sectors or industries like Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe, Industrial Kitchen, Temple, Educational Institution, Hospital Canteen, etc. Ice Cream Freezer Freezing is one of the most important operations in the making of ice cream for upon it depends the quality, palatability and yield of the finished product. Ice cream contains a considerable quantity of air, up to half of its volume. This gives the product its characteristic lightness. Without air, ice cream would be similar to a frozen ice cube. VSG India ice cream maker is a machine used to make small quantities of ice cream for personal consumption. Ice cream makers may prepare the mixture by employing the hand-cranking method or by employing an electric motor. The resulting preparation is often chilled through either pre-cooling the machine or by employing a machine that freezes the mixture.

The most popular and familiar ice cream freezer is the dipping cabinet. These are the models found behind the counter at ice cream parlors. Tubs of ice cream are kept frozen and the ice cream is scooped out by a server. As this is the most popular group for ice cream parlors, it also contains the widest selection.


  • Stainless Steel body panels
  • Solid dasher
  • Hollow Saft with eccentric
  • Hard Chrome plated cylinder with puff insulated stainless steel outer cover
  • Refrigent is R – 22/404A

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